Office of NSO is Hiring

The Office of New Student Orientation is hiring 4 NSO Summer Interns and 35 Orientation Leaders to assist in the planning and implementation of New Student Orientation for the incoming class of 2020. Students in the classes of 2019, 2018 and 2017 are eligible for these positions.


Job descriptions and Applications are available using the links below:


NSO Summer Internship Application due January 29, 2016.


Orientation Leader Application due February 5, 2016


If you have any questions please e-mail

Best Wishes for Productive End of Semester

Dear Class of 2018,

It is 10:30 P.M. on Monday night. It is raining outside and buzzing with excitement in the Exley Science Center Lobby where I am taking in the vibe of this time of the school year. Several students dressed in festive colorful costumes, capes, and masks just skipped through the lobby joyfully tossing candy and spreading the joy. The Office of Residential Life has set up a table of free coffee and snacks.

Whether you are alone in your room or in one of the bustling common spaces like the one I am in, you are likely writing a paper or studying for one or more exams at this time. As your dean, I wish you all the best and I want to share a few tips to make it through this hectic time of year.

  1. Pace yourself

If you have several papers and/or exams ahead, it is unrealistic and unwise to hold multiple consecutive “ALL NIGHTERS.”

  1. Eat healthy snacks

Moderate your intake of caffeinated beverages and sweets. Opt instead for apples, bananas, power bars, and nuts.

  1. Move your body

Pay attention to the length of time you spend in a particular location. Move every couple of hours, stand up, walk around, stretch, and maybe even change your location.

  1. Practice stress management.

Pickup a stress ball or a jar of Play-Doh from one of the Study Break tables on campus or the WesWell Office.

Remember – you are surrounded by resources. If you need to talk to someone, don’t hesitate to drop-in to see me, your Class Dean.

Very truly yours,

Dean Thornton

Wes Out-Loud Stories of Place: A Site-Specific Auditory Journey Theater Department Faculty Production for Spring 2016

From: Alger, Dawn
Sent: Monday, December 14, 2015 11:47 AM
Subject: How to participate in West Out-Loud, Theater Department Faculty Production for Spring 2016

Wes Out-Loud
Stories of Place: A Site-Specific Auditory Journey
Theater Department Faculty Production for Spring 2016

Wes Out-Loud: Stories of Place is a site-specific auditory performance piece that is conceived and created for the Wesleyan campus through collaboration between theater students and Professor Marcela Oteíza. Wes Out-Loud invites you to experience Wesleyan as a scenographic space by inserting new narratives into everyday sites. Through the juxtaposition of place and stories, we hope to bring forward the richness and diversity of the students of our campus, to promote inclusiveness, and to give space to voices that are usually not heard.

This production is an invitation to re-think and re-engage with our campus: Considering the institution and its physical context; location and architecture; its history; institutional and individual narratives; and how they affect our daily lives and our social interactions.

We will be creating a journey through specific places of our campus, into which we will intervene new narratives (students stories). Through which, we will be able to bring to light the richness of the students of this campus and, thereby, promote inclusiveness and provide space to voices that are not usually heard. 

The process for this piece will be through collaboration between a group of nine to twelve students (who will register for a full credit of THEA: Performance Practice) and the project director (Prof. Marcela Oteíza). The students participating in the course will decide upon specific places and modes of interventions through group discussions, rehearsals, and aesthetic approach. The students will perform and/or create each intervention.

If you would like to participate in Wes Out-Loud: Stories of Place, as a collaborator, please submit your story as the mode of audition (see attached form). If selected, you will add THEA Performance Practice under Prof. Oteíza during Drop/add in the spring.

There are also other ways to participate, such as Production Assistant, running crew, ASM, and so forth. If you are interested  please contact Rebecca Foster, Theater Department technical director at

If you have further questions, please email Professor Oteíza at, Ali Jamali (Assistant Director) at or Eva Lou (Stage Manager) 

Marcela I. Oteíza
Assistant Professor of Theater
Wesleyan University
Office TST 116-112
860 685 2740

Upcoming events at the Patricelli Center (12/7, 12/8, 12/15-12/17)

Hi from the Patricelli Center,

I want to get the word out about a few things. Please take a minute to read and click the links below, and please share with your friends/collaborators/groups/networks on campus.


On Monday (12/7), a group of colleagues from Yale will be coming to campus to meet with Wesleyan students. Sign up for a slot here.

I highly recommend this for anyone involved with an entrepreneurial project, program, or venture — including innovative on-campus groups. Come prepared to talk about (a.k.a. pitch) your project, answer questions, and get feedback.


On Tuesday (12/8), Shereem Herdon-Brown ’96 will be on campus to give a 6pm workshop on career planning, and he will offer meetings in the afternoon. More details and signup here.

I recommend this not only for entrepreneurs, but also for those interested in career planning, grad school, and general networking practice. Come prepared to talk about (a.k.a. pitch) your project and/or seek advice about your personal or professional aspirations.


On 1/24, applications are due for the $5k PCSE Seed Grants and the $10k Davis Projects for Peace grant. More details here.

Both grants provide a tremendous opportunity for students who are creating, leading, or otherwise involved with a social impact project, program, or venture. If you have an idea that you think might possibly qualify, let’s talk! I’ll have official info sessions on 12/15, 12/16, and 12/17 at noon in Allbritton 022, or you can schedule a meeting here.

I know you are all very busy, but I hope you will consider taking advantage of these opportunities and share them with other students. If you have any questions, let me know.



Makaela (Steinberg) Kingsley ’98

Director, Patricelli Center for Social Entrepreneurship

SCHEDULE a meeting with a Patricelli Center advisor

ATTEND a Patricelli Center workshop

Apply for The University of Michigan’s School of Natural Resources & Environment 8-week summer internships

The University of Michigan’s School of Natural Resources and Environment has received funding to begin a Doris Duke Conservation Scholars Program (DDCSP).  The DDCSP is looking to bring undergrads who are currently froshes and sophomores to Ann Arbor for 8-week summer internships.  This is a two-year program so students will spend two summers in Ann Arbor either participating on a professor’s research project or interning in a conservation organization or government agency.  The program covers the students’ stipends, travel cost, housing, and board.  We are seeking students who are from groups currently underrepresented in the conservation field or students who are committed to furthering diversity in the field.


Goldwater Scholarship Application Due Nov 30

The Goldwater Scholarship is a very competitive national scholarship. The purpose of the Foundation is to provide a continuing source of highly qualified scientists, mathematicians, and engineers by awarding scholarships to college students who intend to pursue research careers in these fields.

Eligibility is limited to current sophomores and juniors who plan to pursue a research career in mathematics, the natural sciences and engineering. For clarification on eligibility, please click here to visit the details of the scholarship.

This year, the Wesleyan University on campus deadline requires completion of:

·         application form

·         resume

·         e-portfolio academic history

All should be submitted as email attachments (.doc, .docx, or .pdf format) to me (Kate Smith: by 12:00 noon, Monday, November 30.

You can make an appointment to meet with me or speak via Skype (for those studying abroad!) online to discuss the Goldwater Scholarship, the process and your application.


Kathleen C. Smith

Associate Director of Fellowships, Internships & Exchanges

 Center for Global Studies | Wesleyan University

213 Fisk Hall | 262 High Street | Middletown, CT 06459

+1 (860) 685 – 3928 |

Want to know more? Follow Fellowships @ Wesleyan on Facebook!

Reception and Dates to Remember

Dear students,

I am eager to meet you all. Please stop by the Dean’s Office for a brief Welcome Reception on: Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2015, 6:00 P.M. – 7:00 P.M., North College, 2nd Floor.

By now, you should have finalized your pre-registration schedules with your faculty advisors. Adjustment period begins Wednesday, Nov. 18  and ends on Tuesday, Nov. 24.

Also, please keep in mind the final date to withdraw from full semester and second quarter classes will be Friday, Dec. 4, 2015.

Please let me know how I may be of assistance to you for a healthy and successful semester. 

Your new class dean,

Renee Johnson-Thornton

Drop-in hours:  Mon. 2-3 p.m., Tues. 3-4 p.m., Wed. 5-7 p.m., Thurs. 11 a.m.-noon, Fri. 2-4 p.m.