Interfaith Council Hosts Faith Shadowing Week April 19-26

Wesleyan’s Interfaith Council is proud to sponsor it’s first Faith Shadowing Week! The goal of this week is to allow both religious and nonreligious students on campus the opportunity to see what the different religious and spiritual fellowships and events look like. By providing this opportunity, you will engage in meaningful interfaith dialogue about what it means to be a part of a religious or spiritual community. During the week you will be invited to attend as many or as few events as you would like. We will culminate the week with a final dinner for all of the participants to discuss their experiences and to open up a continuous relationship between our diverse communities on campus.

As of now, we are taking submissions through Wednesday April 15th! Also, the link to sign up is:

Lydia Ottaviano
Wesleyan University ’17
Mathematics, Economics

Mindfulness Class at Wesleyan this Fall!

A 6-week course on Mondays, 6:00-8:00 pm, beginning on 11/3/14.
During this non-credit course, students will be introduced to various techniques of mindfulness practice and spiritual awareness, including sitting meditation and yoga. These modalities are designed to aid in stress and anxiety reduction, and when practiced diligently, may also offer opportunities for greater self-awareness and personal development. The goal is to give students a spiritual toolbox that is portable, replicable, and sustainable. Students will gain an understanding of the roles these practices can play in leading a happier, healthier and more fulfilling life.

The class will be taught by:
Amy Tate, PHD
Scott Kessel, Wesleyan ’87 MALS ’92
David Leipziger Teva, Director – Office of Religious and Spiritual Life

There is a limited amount of space in the class, and admissions are on a rolling basis.
For more information, please contact David Lepiziger Teva (