Mission Statement
The Yale NROTC Leadership Conference seeks to bring together students of military and civilian backgrounds in order to inspire early cooperation and understanding between both groups while cultivating the tools, skills, and strategy for successful leadership.
The Yale NROTC Leadership Conference seeks to bring together leaders in their fields and students from universities around the country to discuss what role leadership has in a rapidly changing world and to allow for students to learn and improve upon leadership and character development. The Yale NROTC Leadership Conference is the premiere leadership conference in the Northeast and provides a unique forum to facilitate discussions amongst students, academics, and professionals from a wide variety of backgrounds and fields regarding relevant topics in leadership and the military. The conference is run and sponsored by the Yale NROTC Undergraduate Assocation, an organization run by Yale College students.
The conference will include a panel on national security policy and leadership, two skills workshops focusing on a specific leadership or management technique, a concluding simulation, and special events for conference attendees. The content of the conference will be tailored to a general audience rather than a purely military one and ultimately is an opportunity to learn from military, academic, and business leaders.
This year’s theme, “Leadership in Motion,” focuses on using the context of current political and military affairs to give conference participants dynamic and effective leadership and management tools that they can use throughout their education and career.
This year’s conference is Friday, February 12th and Saturday, February 13th, 2016 at Yale University.
For more information and to register please visit www.yalenrotcleadershipconference.org.